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July 3, 2024

Value has dropped by 45% compared with last year – ”Italian tomato producers are underpaid”

Value has dropped by 45% compared with last year – Italian tomato producers are underpaid. “I believe this umpteenth drop in prices of April-May can make us reflect and be considered an opportunity: a starting point to trigger a collective, systemic and structural change,” states Vincenzo Maorino […]
June 5, 2024

“Our goal is to provide the farmer with the greatest confidence”

At Harmoniz new tomato varieties with resistance to the ToBRFV are developed, based on the conditions in which they will be grown, thus guaranteeing their maximum adaptability, and without forgetting aspects such as productivity and organoleptic and gustatory qualities.. […]
May 6, 2024

Bernabel and Bonáyar, high yield and uniform size up to the end of the cycle (Spanish)

Los dos primeros pimientos california de Harmoniz con resistencia a oídio, el primero en rojo y el segundo en amarillo, han llegado al final de su ciclo de cultivo manteniendo la forma y el calibre a pesar de las bajas temperaturas del invierno. […]
April 21, 2024

F1 Carreras and much more from Harmoniz

“From the beginning, the goal has been to introduce varieties suitable for this area. Growers select these varieties because of their profitability and safety in cultivation and, at the same time, because consumers who value the taste and quality of fresh products consistently buy them.”

PVIS, un avanzato sistema di screening

Marcatori genetici per la resistenza

Negli ultimi sette anni, il team di R&S di Harmoniz ha concentrato efficacemente le proprie energie, tempo e risorse nella ricerca di fonti di resistenza genetica al ToBRFV. Grazie al nostro avanzato sistema di screening (PVIS), insieme alla nostra capacità di prendere decisioni rapide basate sui risultati, siamo riusciti ad identificare e isolare marcatori genetici di resistenza al virus, sviluppando con successo una prima gamma di varietà commerciali resistenti.  

Value has dropped by 45% compared with last year – Italian tomato producers are underpaid. “I believe this umpteenth drop in prices of April-May can make us reflect and be considered an opportunity: a starting point to trigger a collective, systemic and structural change,” states Vincenzo Maorino […]
At Harmoniz new tomato varieties with resistance to the ToBRFV are developed, based on the conditions in which they will be grown, thus guaranteeing their maximum adaptability, and without forgetting aspects such as productivity and organoleptic and gustatory qualities.. […]
Los dos primeros pimientos california de Harmoniz con resistencia a oídio, el primero en rojo y el segundo en amarillo, han llegado al final de su ciclo de cultivo manteniendo la forma y el calibre a pesar de las bajas temperaturas del invierno. […]
“From the beginning, the goal has been to introduce varieties suitable for this area. Growers select these varieties because of their profitability and safety in cultivation and, at the same time, because consumers who value the taste and quality of fresh products consistently buy them.”
“The high-tech horticulture ecosystem in Zuid-Holland and the Netherlands is known for its competitive but collaborative environment. Harmoniz has made the most of this collaboration by jointly buying and converting a greenhouse into an R&D centre together with Horti-Tech and Metazet. […]”

New addition to Harmoniz team

February 12, 2024
“Harmoniz Seeds annouces the addition to their team of Alan Craig as the DS Technical & Business Lead. Alan brings nearly 30 years of extensive experience in the Fresh Produce industry, having held various roles spanning field harvesting, product management, and commercial functions. […]”
“After discovering that the Harmoniz brand is backed by 20 years of research by TomaTech and Nirit Seed, two Israeli seed companies specializing in tomatoes, I decided last year to put Carreras alongside some of the hybrids recommended by the company for the Fondi-Latina area and, in general, for central and southern Italy.”[…]”
“In Westland HortiTech, Harmoniz, and Metazet have found a greenhouse that they will jointly have converted into an R&D greenhouse. The conversion is now in full swing. Last Friday, the official launch of the project with (construction) partners took place. […]”
“The segment of cluster tomatoes, after a long parenthesis in favor of small berries, in recent years is reliving a new season of enthusiasm for consumption. It is appreciated by growers and, as mentioned, by those consumers who are oriented towards a tomato perceived as adhering to the Italian culinary tradition, both in Italy and abroad. […]”
“Certainty. That’s what I would answer if they asked me: “What does the production sector need most at the moment?” says Maury Fernandez, General Manager at Harmoniz Ibérica. “We closed a campaign in which we produced less, and we saved ourselves because we sold well. “We closed a campaign in which we produced less, and we saved ourselves because we sold well. […]”
“Midres and Basoche are probably the two most interesting varieties of the 2023 Harmoniz’s tomato range suitable for the winter cycles. “Says Giuseppe Busacca, Product Development Harmoniz Italia, and adds: “Resistance contributes to the success of these varieties: a very complete package […]”
“Harmoniz Ltd., a global seed company known for its differentiated tomatoes, is thrilled to announce the acquisition of Plant Factory Netherlands. Previously owned by WPK, which distributes Harmoniz seeds in the Netherlands, this strategic acquisition marks the establishment of a new company entity, Harmoniz NL, in the Netherlands and heralds Harmoniz’s expansion into the Northwest Europe heated greenhouse crops market.” […]
“By applying advanced technologies, and intensive team dedication, we are close to offer to the grower’s resistant versions of the best varieties of Harmoniz’s known portfolio. The same varieties that were known for their yield, quality and adaptation to the growing condition with the security of certified ToBRFV resistance.” […]
“As producers in the Pachino area, we have a big responsibility, because we export products of excellent quality and keep up the good name of made in Italy products by means of the tomatoes we produce,” says Sammy Lauretta, owner of the Lauretta Salvatore farm, in a testimony obtained directly from the fields by Harmoniz technicians. […]
“There are challenges to solve beyond yield, pathogen resistance and maturity” – says Fernandez – “Shelf life, taste, nutritional values, freshness and attractiveness of the product, to name a few. We have been working hard for years to face the agronomic challenges without ignoring the post-harvest ones, in an increasingly segmented market that demands more flavor, conservation and consistency on the shelf.
“There are challenges to solve beyond yield, pathogen resistance and maturity” – says Fernandez – “Shelf life, taste, nutritional values, freshness and attractiveness of the product, to name a few. We have been working hard for years to face the agronomic challenges without ignoring the post-harvest ones, in an increasingly segmented market that demands more flavor, conservation and consistency on the shelf.
Newly born from the merger of the Israeli companies Nirit Seeds and Tomatech, the international seed company Harmoniz, preserve the legacy of leading company in the development of innovative, flavorful and virus-resistant tomato varieties, such as ToBRFV, thanks to the synergies of its excellent and experienced teams, its advanced R&D capabilities, molecular technology and breeding techniques, and its marketing channels worldwide. […]
After the appointment of Saro Tumino as the new general manager for Italy, international seed company Harmoniz – which was recently created from the merger of TomaTech and Nirit Seeds – continues to demonstrate the high strategic value of the Italian table tomato market. This time, the company is presenting its new range of commercial and pre-commercial tomato varieties resistant to ToBRFV. […]
Harmoniz Ltd announces the appointment of Saro Tumino as the new General Manager of Harmoniz’s Italian subsidiary and Stephan Vonk in the position of Area Sales Manager of North America (USA and Canada). These appointments follow a few months after its official launch at Fruit Logistica 2023, as the Israeli greenhouse seed breeding company was formed by the merger of TomaTech and Nirit Seeds in 2022.[…]
According to research published by Eurostat, only 12% of the EU population consumed the recommended minimum of five portions of produce daily, partly because of the poor taste of the produce. Israeli greenhouse seeds developer Harmoniz is using cutting-edge molecular biology and breeding technologies to bring tomatoes with superior flavor, long-lasting freshness, and high resistance to viruses to the world’s supermarkets. […]
To confirm its leadership in tomato crops, exemplified by varieties that stand out in the Spanish market such as Korino, Cosmostar, Dormaplum, Ultiplum – among others – the merged company maintains its commitment on innovation and diversification, both at the agronomic level – introducing resistances such as the ‘Rugoso virus’ (ToBRFV) – and in terms of “quality”, to be understood as harmonies of flavors, shapes, colors and nutritional properties offering a superior consumer experience. […]
Global greenhouse seeds developer Harmoniz is making its debut after concluding the legal processes of the merger of TomaTech, a seed breeding company, and Nirit Seeds, developers of some of the most successful hybrid vegetable seeds in the market. The rebranded company leverages the companies’ molecular biology and breeding technologies to create tomatoes of uncompromising quality. Harmoniz debuted its new brand at Fruit Logistica 2023 in Berlin, which took place between February 8th and February 10th.[…]
La nuova società beneficerà di importanti sinergie e competenze uniche nell’ambito di R&S, le quali ne accelereranno rapidamente la crescita nei mercati ortofrutticoli internazionali. Acquisizione e fusione per un valore di oltre 60 milioni di dollari Nasce una nuova azienda sementiera globale Zion Cohen e il Dr. Fabi Vidavsky | Foto: Aharon Gedalia Boaz Fibishevich […]
“The new company will benefit from significant synergies and unique R&D capabilities that will drive accelerated growth in the global vegetables markets.” acquired and merged at a value of over $60 million A new global vegetable seeds company is born Zion Cohen and Dr. Favi Vidavsky | Photo: Aharon Gedalia Boaz Fibishevich and Hannah Selvirt […]
La nueva empresa se beneficiará de importantes sinergias y de una capacidad de I+D única que impulsará un crecimiento acelerado en los mercados mundiales de hortalizas. adquiridas y fusionadas por un valor de más de 60 millones de dólares Nace una nueva empresa mundial de semillas de hortalizas Zion Cohen y Dr. Fabi Vidavsky | […]

Fruit Logistica 2019

February 15, 2022
Abbiamo partecipato per il secondo anno consecutivo. Quest’anno abbiamo presentato alcune delle nostre migliori collezioni in uno stand più spazioso ed accogliente. Una preziosa occasione per il nostro team internazionale per incontrare molti dei nostri clienti internazionali a acquisire nuove stimolanti prospettive.
La migliore collezione TomaTech composta da sei eccezionali brands che offrono un’esperienza gastronomica unica. Ogni marchio Harmony è una composizione unica e accattivante di sapore, colore, consistenza, dimensioni e forma.
Montanarella ha condiviso in pieno la scelta di coltivare il Tomelody a cui però ha voluto dare una impostazione un po’ fuori dai canoni e sembra che i risultati sino ad ora ottenuti gli stiano dando ragione.
Santo Zara, uno dei soci fondatori della neonata cooperativa Pacò (Pachino, SR), sottolinea l’importanza di integrare alla propria strategia commerciale una strategia produttiva fondata su una genetica d’eccellenza, unica soluzione efficace per contrastare le fitopatie più aggressive attualmente in circolazione.

Fruit Logistica 2020

February 14, 2022
Abbiamo partecipato per il terzo anno consecutivo, ampliando lo spazio del nostro stand e testando una nuova posizione al piano terra. Quest’anno abbiamo presentato alcune delle nostre migliori novità varietali, nonchè intere nuove collezioni come Flavor Mates, la nostra nuova collezione di cocktail ad elevato sapore, colore, aroma e grado Brix.
18-27 Nov 2022
“Una varietà con questo patrimonio genetico, se coltivata adeguatamente, riesce a mantenere sufficientemente alta la resa e invariate le proprietà organolettiche, anche sotto condizioni metereologiche avverse.”
Si è da poco concluso il convegno “Tracciabilità nella filiera del pomodoro: uno strumento per una produzione di qualità” (Vittoria, RG). Un evento partecipato, ricco di contenuti e prospettive, creato con l’obiettivo di individuare una strategia comune nella tracciabilità della filiera del pomodoro e nella lotta contro il ToBRFV. Al centro del dibattito anche il tema della sostenibilità, argomento sempre più caro ai consumatori.
TomaTech Ltd. annuncia un importante progresso nella lotta contro il Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus (ToBRFV), che negli ultimi anni ha causato danni economici significativi stimati fino a miliardi di dollari a livello globale.
berlino germania Location Open in maps Fruit Logistica 2022 3.300 espositori e 72.000 visitatori del settore per realizzare il loro pieno potenziale commerciale sul mercato internazionale del fresco. La Fiera Fruit Logistica è la fiera internazionale più importante nel mondo del mercato del fresco. Abbraccia ogni settore di business relativo alla produzione dei prodotti freschi […]
Il dibattito sulla qualità di un pomodoro è sempre attuale, ma quali sono i fattori di cui bisogna tener conto quando si lavora su una nuova varietà? Lo abbiamo chiesto a Favi Vidavski, presidente e direttore R&S di TomaTech LTD.
Wilfred Scheffers ed Eviek van den Arend spiegano come le varietà sviluppate da TomaTech siano una risposta alla domanda del mercato europeo high-tech.
La filiera ortofrutticola ha reagito con responsabilità, consapevole del suo ruolo cruciale nella vita quotidiana delle famiglie; tuttavia, un evento così dirompente può offrire delle opportunità ai coltivatori che negli ultimi anni hanno investito nella giusta tecnologia, nella scelta della giusta genetica e nel consolidamento delle relazioni con i supermercati.