tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers
that consumers choose first
and choose again.
At Harmoniz we aim to develop
tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers
that consumers choose first
and choose again.
We value the natural power that emanates from the meeting of minds and the meeting of nature. We are proud to offer agility in breeding, a reflection of both taking the road less travelled and a commitment to flavour by design. We have spent years developing advanced technology tools to grow our garden “full seed ahead” together with specialist breeding capabilities to maximize flavour, enhance eating experience, yield consistency and sustainability.
We create delicious and memorable vegetables that consumers love, available year-round and create value for growers and retailers, in a sustainable way. We drive demand by combining the expertise of an exceptional seed company with the insights of a food company.
Together with our partners we fully evaluate all our varieties so that when we offer them to you, we do so with absolute confidence. It is a right – not a privilege to fall in love with the products you bring into your life. Our commitment is to honour that in all we create throughout the value chain.