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Value has dropped by 45% compared with last year – ”Italian tomato producers are underpaid”

Value has dropped by 45% compared with last year - Italian tomato producers are underpaid. "I believe this umpteenth drop in prices of April-May can make us reflect and be considered an opportunity: a starting point to trigger a collective, systemic and structural change," states Vincenzo Maorino […]

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“Our goal is to provide the farmer with the greatest confidence”

At Harmoniz new tomato varieties with resistance to the ToBRFV are developed, based on the conditions in which they will be grown, thus guaranteeing their maximum adaptability, and without forgetting aspects such as productivity and organoleptic and gustatory qualities.. […]

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Bernabel and Bonáyar, high yield and uniform size up to the end of the cycle (Spanish)

Los dos primeros pimientos california de Harmoniz con resistencia a oídio, el primero en rojo y el segundo en amarillo, han llegado al final de su ciclo de cultivo manteniendo la forma y el calibre a pesar de las bajas temperaturas del invierno. […]

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The Growth Of Harmoniz: A New Era In Seed Development

"The high-tech horticulture ecosystem in Zuid-Holland and the Netherlands is known for its competitive but collaborative environment. Harmoniz has made the most of this collaboration by jointly buying and converting a greenhouse into an R&D centre together with Horti-Tech and Metazet. […]”

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Harmoniz starts the campaign with 20 varieties resistant to ToBRFV

"Certainty. That’s what I would answer if they asked me: “What does the production sector need most at the moment?” says Maury Fernandez, General Manager at Harmoniz Ibérica. “We closed a campaign in which we produced less, and we saved ourselves because we sold well. “We closed a campaign in which we produced less, and we saved ourselves because we sold well. [...]"

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Harmoniz acquires Plant Factory Netherlands to create Harmoniz NL

"Harmoniz Ltd., a global seed company known for its differentiated tomatoes, is thrilled to announce the acquisition of Plant Factory Netherlands. Previously owned by WPK, which distributes Harmoniz seeds in the Netherlands, this strategic acquisition marks the establishment of a new company entity, Harmoniz NL, in the Netherlands and heralds Harmoniz's expansion into the Northwest Europe heated greenhouse crops market." [...]

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Harmoniz promotes its first plum tomato for Almería

“There are challenges to solve beyond yield, pathogen resistance and maturity” – says Fernandez – “Shelf life, taste, nutritional values, freshness and attractiveness of the product, to name a few. We have been working hard for years to face the agronomic challenges without ignoring the post-harvest ones, in an increasingly segmented market that demands more flavor, conservation and consistency on the shelf.

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